Monday, April 13, 2009

I'm exploring the idea of writing about the famous stalled campus wind turbine project. I've been advised to follow the $ trail, so if you happen to come across a suitcase stuffed with cash and a note attached that reads: "wind turbine funds,"let me know. Or, if you come across any random wind turbine parts that look out of place, please let me know. Also, I'd appreciate any other ideas you might have.


  1. Hey Will, sadly I haven't found any suitcases stuffed with money, and if I had I would've been greedy and kept it for myself and you never would've heard a peep about it. That being said, it seems like a pretty solid idea. Let me know how it goes, sounds like it could be a really hard story, but the reward (an A) could be great. Good luck!


    P.S. If I come across a trail or suitcase full of money I'll let you know, but not before I take it all.

  2. Hey Will,
    sounds like a great idea, I wish I knew more people who could help you out but I do not as of yet. Good luck!

  3. Sounds interesting. I don't know how much info you actually need on how much it costs to get wind turbines up and running, but I do know there are wind turbines in Poplar Grove, IL. Maybe there is someone you could contact connected to those for more info. Sorry I can't give you more concrete details. Good luck!

  4. I don't know any sources off-hand, but I'm sure if you check out the News-Gazette or the Daily Illini, there will be a story or two with sources I'm sure you will need to talk with. To get a University's stance, you should contact the Public Affairs Office.

  5. i'm sure you're researching all you can. my only question would be that even though it's stalled, do we still pay for it? Do we pay to house it?

  6. hahah you should go into comedy.

    On another note, I'll keep my eyes and ears open for spare turbine parts. I'm really interested to see how this story turns out because it was somewhat of a big deal when it was announced.

    Good luck and see you tomorrow

  7. Will,
    The only advice I can offer is try looking at the old DI article on it and asking the people involved in it that were interviewed for that article. Good Luck though!

  8. This has potential to be a really great story.
    Just follow the money.

  9. I wish I could help but I don't know anything about this or who to even talk to but if I find something out I will let you know

  10. I thought I saw a suitcase full of cash the other day, but alas, I was mistaken. It just had some dirty laundry in it. haha.

    No, but, this could be really interesting. I think the money route is a good way to go, especially because of the economy forcing everyone to cut corners right now. Also, if it wasn't worth the money, why didn't the university realize that before they began to buy parts? What changed?
